Encounter Jesus

Creating Space to Encounter Jesus Christ and an invitation to participate in the EUCHARISTIC REVIVAL

Our world is loud and fast-paced. It can be difficult to hear the voice of God if we do not intentionally create space to listen. As we kneel before the elevated host, the world stills. When we receive Holy Communion, we are the closest to Jesus we can possibly be this side of heaven. Whether we perceive it or not, each and every Mass is a supernatural experience of encounter with God.

If you have been reading the bulletin these past weeks you will know that we have begun the Eucharistic Revival, a national endeavor to spark and rekindle our passion for the Eucharist – our reception and our living it out.

Over the past 6 months there has been a group of people (parishioners and staff) that have been meeting to discuss how we can live this national revival in our own community. We attended a conference at the Archdiocese, we have read many things (books, emails, articles), and we have met to discuss how we will journey through this year. There is much we have discussed and much we hope to offer to help enrich your prayer and worship, to deepen your formation and understanding, and to increase your devotion to and encounters with Eucharistic sight and living.

There are many offering we already have throughout the year including regular adoration times, nightly rosary, Fire and Prayer evenings, fellowship opportunities, studies, and, of course, weekly and daily MASS.

In the year to come we are hoping to increase these offerings to include: communications (bulletin, Flocknote, Facebook, etc.) like these to help with formation and information for upcoming events, but also to include personal witness statements (more to come on this), an intercessory prayer team for the revival, formation on the Mass, and other opportunities for encounter with our Eucharistic God.

We hope that you will make an effort to join us and go deeper through these offerings as well as on your own. A great place to start is at the National Eucharistic Renewal website. You can browse the site and you can sign up for a weekly update (Heart of the Revival) that has many inspiring articles and links to a library of blog posts and article series. https://www.eucharisticrevival.org/

If you have ever longed for more, wondered about what Eucharist is about, or even doubted, please make time to learn and to create space to encounter Jesus Christ in Eucharist.


What is Adoration?


What happens when we receive the Eucharist?